Entries by Peter Arscott


Most people find relocation stressful and will experience symptoms such as irritability and exhaustion. Psychologists say that those who find ways to establish security and meaning in their new situation, and who regain a sense of perspective, will suffer less. Well, belatrova has broad shoulders and has taken the move from Bishops Frome in Worcester […]

Caersws (pronounced “Kay-suss)

belatrova paid a visit to the Mid Wales Arts Centre just outside the above-mentioned town in Powys on Sunday, in part to get some fresh air and a bit of Welsh countryside, but also to get some ceramic inspiration as well as a look at Nicky Arscott’s paintings. It’s a two hour drive from Ledbury […]

Good Design is…

belatrova is a collaboration between a painter, a potter and a musician, so each one of us brings his particular slant to any discussion during the Tuesday morning meetings. To our surprise, we often agree on a number of issues, and this week we ended up in general agreement about “good design”. Good design (we […]

…so here goes then!

So it’s easy is it? Anyone can do it? You sure? Well, here goes. It’s Friday afternoon, I’ve worked up the website ( www.peterarscott.co.uk/dev ), fired up Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/belatrova), and tuned up Twitter (https://twitter.com/belatrova) and then decided that it was time to take the ‘one small step – one giant leap’ into the wonderful world […]