weekend openings, many visitors
A big thank you to all our visitors who dropped by these last two weekends – it is always good to see new faces as well as the regular ones. Many of you took part in our “mini mural” competition which used an assortment of glazed ceramic pieces to very individual effect. And do they say something about the individual, we wonder? And here are the best ones (as judged by Thelonius):
- Alicia
- Barton Y
- Dave P
- Fleen
- Gonzalo
- Jane
- Lily
- Lu
- Roger
- Roz
- Spen
- Stuarrt
- Tim
- Wendy
Hmmm. Very difficult to choose a winner. Turquoise (or anything with blues and greens) is a favourite of the judge’s (who is given to pondering about life), and he says it denotes an ability to create emotional balance in your life, to express your hopes and dreams no matter how idealistic they may be and to make your own way in the world under your own terms, so he is awarding a prize each to Alicia and to Lily.